Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont


Gill went off to her place of work this morning, JR went to a Pilates class. I sat and had my muesli  on the balcony and was amazed at the change in temperature. 23° today, after yesterday's 35° heat. That southerly last night cleared the air. In fact, I felt slightly cool, especially on the bus, with the very (too) efficient air con. 23° in Edinburgh and I'd be gasping! Maybe I'm getting used to the heat...

I'm flagging a bit. Even JR admitted to being a wee bit tired. So we didn't want to do too much today. The Art Gallery was the day's choice, mainly because we could get a bus right to the door. And right back again. So after JR's healthy breakfast in Charlotte's we caught the bus there. And what a treat that was! There was a Kandinsky exhibition on, but there was too much other (free) stuff to see. I love art like this, contemporary & clever, but not ostentatiously 'challenging'... There were several beautiful large Aboriginal paintings too.

The sculpture of Captain James Cook was spectacular! It was made of 96 moulded pieces of stainless steel, welded together and highly polished. It is over 2.5 metres tall.

Amazingly enough, in the cool air con of the gallery, I began to feel a wee bit cold. If I get a cold neck, it can turn into a cough, a sore throat, and worse. And so I 'had' to buy a nice silk scarf in the Gallery shop. The one we both chose turned out to be our own Grayson Perry design. Result!

Bus back home, JR hopped off near the shops to get some things for a meal tonight, and I came home and have been watching the tennis all afternoon.

Tomorrow another Kiwi friend arrives to spend the day with us. She's one of the original wee group of Kiwi gals who went to Teachers' College many decades ago.

Then we have to start thinking of the next leg of our adventure.. Adelaide!

PS Archie is now with Elizabeth. I think Derek was sad to see him go, they certainly bonded.

4, 096 steps…

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