Waterfoot Sunrise

By alasdairb

Ring Netting

In Carradale's heyday the herring fishing was big business. The method used was to throw a net over the side of the boat and make a large loop with it to hopefully surround the herring. The start and end of the net were then hauled in until the catch was revealed and landed. Sadly over-fishing brought about the demise of the herring in the 1970's and they have never returned in any large quantities.

Today the authorities and some of the locals were back to do their annual check of the fish in the river in front of our house. Interestingly, they use the same technique with a much smaller net to catch fish entering the river from the sea. You may recall I blipped the same scene at this time last year and explained what was going on. As well as checking for the amount of fish coming up the river they also check their condition and see whether they have sea lice etc.

I had hoped to blip the moon last night but the shots I took were all taken before midnight. However, I quite liked this one which was taken in the same area as today's blip. I did wait up until after midnight, but the moon had lost its orange glow and the midges were just too fierce to venture out again!

Must keep an eye out for it again tonight!

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