Life through the lens...

By ValC

Venice of Provence

A visit to one of my favourite towns, Isle- sur -la- Sorgue.

The centre of the collage shows MrC being very patient while I took photos of our ice creams, at the wonderful Glacier Fabricant Isabella!!
The other three photos are of one of the many waterwheels which are still working, the cafes along the river, the meeting of the two rivers, and the fourth is of Le Jarditrain in St Didier.

The Sorgue river enters the town, and separates into many branches, hence the name Venice of Provence.
Fishing was the town's main industry until the waterwheels took over.

The waterwheels have been here since the 1200s, when they were first used for grinding flour, and Paper, textile, silk, and woollen mills would later find their power from the river. At its peak, the town had 70 waterwheels, and in the 1800s, the town competed with Avignon as Provence's cloth-dying and textile centre.

It is now famous for the Sunday Antique Market, but I prefer the town when it is quieter, and you can walk round at your leisure without the crowds.
On a hot day like today the water is very cooling. It is so clear, and cold, as it comes from a spring only 5 miles away. It never floods, and has a constant flow and temperature in all seasons.

On the way back we visited a lovely garden filled with a giant train set!
Well you know boys and their toys!!
K and I enjoyed it as much if not more than them!!
Website see here

A busy day but a very happy and enjoyable one. We are now trying to do as much as we can before we have to head home!

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