Looking down onto the Arrow River …..

….. ….. ….. from New Chums Gully track.
It’s over a year since I’ve walked/scrambled up and over, and down/up/down again over this track. It’s really rough and steep going up out of the Arrow Gorge, and I wouldn’t want to go back down again. It’s steep, very dry with light slippery shingle, and big awkward steps over rocks and roots. I was thankful to have poles. The other end, which exits onto Tobins Track, is a piece of cake in comparison. Great views! Missy of course makes it look easy! Took about 2 hours.
The peaks in the distance are l-r Cecil Peak & Walter Peak.
Gold was found in this area and I’m guessing that some new chums tried their hand at getting lucky here.

I treated myself to lunch at Provisions, on my way back to collect my car at the Chinese Village. So nice - Eggs Benedict.

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