For the family

By RonaMac

Is it mine?

Last night was an improvement, I woke at 7am, early for me, had a coffee, then went back to bed until 9. Should have caught up a bit on my sleep. I feel a little bit better, now realising how rubbish I felt on Friday. 

I had just texted R late morning when she arrived at the door bearing cards and gifts for Mother’s Day. The present from S was a 3D printed tortoise. He has just bought a 3D printer and this is his first creation, so quirky !!! Amber was curious to see what it was and could she eat it ……No !! 

Meals have been a bit erratic the last couple of days, so we are having French fish pie this evening to tempt my appetite. Problem was that I didn’t buy leeks when I shopped on Thursday, so we had to run down to Tesco’s. It didn’t take long as I wasn’t tempted to do any more than necessary. In and out spending less than a fiver, and that included some chocolate for B as a treat. 

I’ve spent the afternoon watching Crufts whilst knitting a sock.
The weather today has been miserable and so wet. 

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