Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Another vet visit…

A bit of a kerfuffle at 3am for Archie... *sigh*

But there was sunshine this morning! It was so nice to see, so Archie and I went and sat outside for the first time this year. He was sitting on my knee, and it was then that I noticed his wound... lots of crusty stuff which was sort of coming off. When JR came home she bathed it with the magic Hibi-scrub. But I rang the vet - really he should have had another check up mid week to see that it is healing properly.

So we went up and got more antibiotics and she put some of the horrendously expensive cream on it and told us to use hibiscrub every day, keep it clean and soft. (NO walks in muddy grass). We've booked a return visit for Wednesday.

When we got home, Brian came over, as arranged, to replace our kitchen light bulbs - the ones over the bench are too high for us. Or, we don't really want to stand on a ladder on top of the kitchen bench to reach them... Thank you Brian. He was rewarded with some apple cake.

Archie then went out with Elizabeth for a 'clean' walk. JR went into town for something, then went over to visit Hazel. I settled down for three rugby games. 

Yesterday I used the 'Live Chat' on Disney+ website to ask why I couldn't get Shōgun. It's been advertised as the 'next big thing' - NOT that we watched the last 'big thing' (Game of Thrones?) And I solved it! My membership was set on Age 14+. I would never have thought to check that. I would think that it would be set on 18+, and if you had kids in the house, then you'd adjust it.

And so we watched the first episode. Impressive costumes, effects and sets, but LOTS of fast dialogue, in Japanese (of course) with equally fast-moving subtitles. A head was chopped off with a scimitar apropos nothing, and a man was (slowly and noisily) boiled alive... Don't think we'll watch any more.

Also tried the first episode of 'The Bear' - I've read so many good reviews of that. Just a LOT of people constantly YELLING at each other in a small kitchen. No thanks.

Six Nations is almost over. I'm about to watch the last game. It's been totally absorbing, with all the teams so close. Ireland won the championship (back to back wins!) and deservedly so. Italy did really well, and Scotland did OK. Fans in Wales must be very disappointed with the Wooden Spoon, something we in Scotland are pretty used to in years past.

Photo by Elizabeth

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