Happy St. Patrick’s Day

We slept in - that is becoming our habit these days. I spent my morning removing a KofC patch from a practically new shirt that no longer fits. I’ll donate it. After lunch, Sugar and I snuggled while I caught up on prayers. As you can see, we were “all dressed” in our traditional green. My youngest daughter and her hubby were completely decked out in St. Patrick’s Day costumes while they ran their errands. She is my “wild” child. My sister bought 6 pounds of fresh asparagus that were on sale last night. She cleaned and froze it. Our BIL sawed up more fallen trees. We visited the neighbor after getting our dinner in the oven. Hubby arrived before we got home. His trip went without incident. He brought us cottage pie, corned beef, cornbread and desserts from yesterday’s event. Today, River is either shivering or itching or both. Lauren is hoping his new prescriptions will start to work soon. I greatly appreciate all your kindness and prayers. It’s tough to go through this when you are just four years old. Hoping those who celebrate St. Patrick’s Day arrive home safely tonight. Wishing all a fun weekend. Thanks for your visit. “MAY LOVE AND LAUGHTER LIGHT YOUR DAYS, AND WARM YOUR HEART AND HOME. MAY GOOD AND FAITHFUL FRIENDS BE YOURS, WHEREVER YOU MAY ROAM. MAY PEACE AND PLENTY BLESS YOUR WORLD WITH JOY THAT LONG ENDURES. MAY ALL LIFE'S PASSING SEASONS BRING THE BEST TO YOU AND YOURS!” - An Old Irish Blessing

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