St Conan's Kirk. And Oban

Today was our only full day here so we made the most of it, 

After a late breakfast we strolled along a path through the woods above the inn before making our way down to the road and across to St Conan's Kirk on the lochside. 

You can see the exterior on the first of my Extras, but impressive as the outside is, the interior is simply stunning. If I was a resident of Loch Awe, I think I would be a churchgoer!

Although, in fact, the Kirk is not a church but a 'chapel of ease', a term I hadn't come across before. According to Wikipedia, "A chapel of ease (or chapel-of-ease) is a church building other than the parish church, built within the bounds of a parish for the attendance of those who cannot reach the parish church conveniently, generally due to distance away", and, indeed, the architect Walter Douglas Campbell built it for his mother, who could not get to church. He sounds like an interestingly maverick character, actually.

In the afternoon, we went to the little station at Loch Awe and took the train into Oban (see second and third Extras). My photo doesn't do justice just how blustery it was, but that was fine because after a little walk 'round we settled down with our books in a bar overlooking the harbour. 

And we finished the day with the train journey back to Loch Awe and dinner at the Inn.

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