
By LadyFindhorn


It was a Sunday that started with sunshine and a continuation of the noisy Meadows Festival over the railings. I had a pleasant coffee with the one Merry Widow in town before awaiting the arrival of the Glasgow family. They arrived bearing gin and Söderberg rhubarb buns and we had an al fresco snackette (I coin the word from the dictionary of IainatCreel) before daughter #2 arrived closely followed by another son-in-law, two more grandchildren and son#2. The patio was getting quite crowded and I was finding it hard to hear the different conversations far less follow the threads. The non hearing element certainly reduces the feeling of being the matriarch to being the auld biddy on the periphery. But it was lovely to see everyone - it’s not often that visits of any two of the families coincide .

They have all gone now and the patio is empty and quiet, the only noise being the insistent thump of drumming from the music tent that has been going on for at least  half an hour and is hard to bear. I hope it stops soon .

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