
By jennym999

Holiday souvenirs.

Today I spent some time sorting out washing etc from my holiday…I don’t think I will be needing thin clothes for 30C+ heat in the U.K. any time soon!
Amazing to think that the temperature was over 20C higher than today in the U.K.! I needed socks, shoes and a jumper indoors.

These are a couple of little dishes I bought at the airport to use up Lira, useful for olives for example. There is so much pottery of this type in Turkey, so many plates, dishes etc. but not much I would use at home. Many of the items have the eye motif like these.

We had daughter and family for lunch. She was very pleased that she took part in the Turks Head 10K run this morning in under an hour. She has not really done much running for about 8 or 9 years. Her friend was much slower!

I’ve just been watching the D Day concert from the Albert Hall while doing the ironing! As I was away on Thursday I have another D Day programme to watch too.

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