
By Croft16

Tropical plant?..

..definitely not tropical in the NW today. Low mist hanging on the hills, and the sort of drizzle that wet you without realising..

It was quite dry earlier, and the forecast has been for good weather, so cut some grass on the croft for R to make into hay for his horse. It might dry out later i the week.

Back to pottering jobs. Concreted some more paths in the tunnel until I ran out of ballast.

The Development company meeting I was going to tonight is next week! Glad I wasn't too early for it..

I brought this plant up from down south, it's one of those strappy leaved things (can you tell yet that I have no idea what it's called?), it has variegated leaves of green, white, and red stripes. This is the first time it's flowered. Reminds me of bananas..


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