
By KathyH58


After work I stopped at a friend/client's house. She is trying to downsize her garden, but is getting overwhelmed. I hope I gave her some direction on where to go from here, so when my crew goes there to do some work, she will be able to tell them what she wants done. She has a pond and this is one of several waterlilies blooming right now. She paid me for coming to her place with a bottle of wine and a homemade baquette.

Several years ago I was filling in a pond for a client and gave my friend some of the waterlilies. This is one of them.

The remainder of the group that went to PEI on the weekend returned home today. One carload had a bit of an adventure, or I should say a longer drive than necessary. The driver was not paying attention to the exit signs and he missed the Halifax exit. They drove past several exits before the passenger in the back seat, who had been using her laptop, realized what had happened and got him to turn around. Yup, it was that man thing, the lone male on the trip, and he didn't check for directions. He claimed he was busy talking to the passenger in the front seat.

Partly cloudy this evening, but there are a few breaks where I see a red sky. Unfortunately they are behind a tree, so it is difficult to get a photo. More sunshine in the forecast for tomorrow.

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