The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Sleep of the ferocious feline

I ran a bath this morning while I was pottering around. Steve had gone off to the market. About half an hour later, when I was ready to take my bath, I made a shocking discovery. Approaching the bathroom, I saw what seemed like multiple dark splashes of water across the entrance. 'How did the water jump out of the bath and splash three feet?' I wondered, but soon realised that the 'splashes' were in fact black feathers. Indie had disembowelled what was left of a female bullfinch. 

I was not happy.I  had to hoover up all the feathers and take the remains of the poor bird outside. Indie was nowhere to be seen. I got onto eBay and ordered two safety collars with bells. We just can't take it anymore. The body count has been exceptionally high this week, and the dead  birds are particularly upsetting. We keep her indoors for around 12 hours a day, including dawn and dusk, but she hunts anyway. Cats do.

Apart from this incident, it was a fantastic day. My work laptop started up and closed down no bother. I wasn't actually working, but I'd told IT I'd be around in case they wanted to speak to me. They didn't. I went down to the Trinity rooms for lunch where I met a client (overtime, because Trinity rooms cafe is only on a Friday). We had fun! 

Walked down to town to buy bird food, then met an ex-colleague for iced coffee at one of Stroud's many street cafes. Popped into a charity shop and got some summer shoes for £4 (it's been a sunny day) and walked home to hang out the washing and relax for half an hour before going back to town. 

Met friend A in a record shop, where a folk duo was playing. After a few numbers, we decided to leave because the music wasn't lighting us up. Went to the Ale House pub for a drink instead. A .reminded me that I had once agreed to go to NZ with her. I said, truthfully, that  I couldn't remember having agreed to this, and that I'm going to go to India first and get some quotes for some work on the bathroom. I must be more careful about what I promise. 

Came home and made supper, which included potato cakes made from leftover mash at the Trinity rooms. I think I've eaten way too much!

Tomorrow many things will be happening. I need to work out a plan so that I can enjoy them in a relaxed manner. 

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