Trixie's Adventures

By TrixieTheCollie

Another day, another rock?!

My human worked until 2.30pm today and then she took me out for my afternoon walk. Actually before she did that, she had to wash her work shirt because a seagull had decided to poo on her on the way home?!!! 

The plan was.............. walk a bit and then sit on a rock for a while (because after being on her feet for a 5 hr shift she gets a bit tired). Mr Sunshine had disappeared but it was still very hot & humid.

We went down to 'Man's Head' which is a lovely grassy area overlooking Porthmeor Beach and I played at running & rolling around on my back. …...........And then Ann decided to sit on a rock. She was on the phone to one of her Edinburgh friends and wasn't paying me any attention so I just went off on a little explore by myself. I was out of sight for ages (OK prob about 2 mins), but Ann was a bit angry with me when I came back. Apparently I have to stay within sight of Ann ALL the time.


…...........And then........................ we walked home via the 'Mans Head footpath to Carthew Way'. OMG?!!!! It is completely overgrown. Unless you knew there was a footpath there, you wouldn't know. Ann's arms & legs are covered in scratches and nettle stings. Do dogs feel nettle stings?

When she got home she went straight onto the council website and reported that the path was totally overgrown. Will the council take any notice? Who knows?

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