
By jennym999

CIM Buildings in Cookham

Yesterday we went to Cookham, Berkshire to meet a friend and take him out to dinner at a nice pub/ restaurant. He was staying the night at the Chartered Institute of Marketing accommodation in Cookham so we had a brief look round the buildings. This shows the outside of the original old buildings which are in the style of many big houses on the banks of the Thames in that area. Inside some of the original features such as ornate plasterwork remain. However it has been nicely modernised as a conference centre and there is a new accommodation block with all rooms having mod cons. Also a gym in the Redgrave building! Henley is nearby. Although we had had lots of rainstorms when we got there we had blue sky and also sun on the way home too!

Today was dull and chilly with some rain..again! So after Pilates and coffee with a group of friends I did some boring paperwork and watched some tennis too.

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