
By KathyH58

Halifax Mural Festival

I was rather disappointed with the mural festival this year. The online map showed where several new murals were supposed to be, but I could only find 4 new ones.

The humidex this afternoon was in the 30's so I didn't want to spend a lot of time walking around trying to find the new murals. I came home and had a nap.

I had a walk around the garden this morning to record which daylilies are blooming for the first time. The temperature was still reasonable then. I had to go out this evening to put the tools on the truck and water some of the plants. Other than that I have been staying close to a fan.

The heat warning remains in effect until at least Wednesday. That means some jobs are going to get postponed. It is too dangerous to work outside in this heat for more than a few hours.

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