Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

That Lymington..

..has really got its hooks into me this summer.  Every time there's a sunny day it's the only place I want to be, despite knowing the light will be too glarey (with an 'e' or without??) and I'll fall - as usual - for an icecream!

Well, this morning off I went.  Interestingly the bird reserve has changed yet again.  Most of the remaining birds are in the middle where it's hard to get shots of them and there are no real little ones of any sort left.  Unless I'm wrong, this is an immature black-headed gull, there were plenty of those floating about - just no babies..

This one was practising its hunting skills.  Half a second after I took the main shot it twisted round and dived, coming up with something fantastically unattractive, which clearly counted as lunch!

Dear blipfriends, I'm intending to do what commenting I can tonight, but I've also come back feeling rather unwell.  Too much sun, perhaps.  So I'll do what commenting I can tonight and the rest in the morning, if you'll bear with me.  Thank you..

And enjoy your evening  xx

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