
By CleanSteve

A female swan with her cygnet

I went to the Ocean to walk beside the Storudwater canal and to see what wildlife might be around. It is a good place to watch kingfishers but there were none in sight today. I did notice in the distance at a  wide part of the canal that swans had built a new nest and one was sitting on it. I watched for a while and then when the female stood up a tiny cygnet appeared underneath her body.

Minutes later she appeared to swim to where some people were feeding the various birds./ A man mentioned that the two swans who had cygnets earlier in the year a=had lost them all, surpassingly as I'd counted seven cygnets and even blipped the family.

They must have built the nest in the hope of rearing another brood, so I'm delighted to see they have this little one, who looks in fine form.

I've added an 'Extra' of them close to the towpath gobbling up the feed.

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