
By KathyH58

No thanks

Note where the feet are on this ride. I don't think anyone would have gotten me on a ride like this when I was younger. I remember going to a fair with my niece, I was 19 and she would have been 13. She convinced me to go on 5 or 6 rides with her, one right after the other. I ended up getting sick after the last one.

The extra is one of the busker acts that I went to see tonight.

It was hot and humid today, but we worked till 3 pm. I had planned to do the first job with the whole crew, then split them for the other 2 jobs. But A's car had 2 flat tires this morning, after he hit a pothole on the way home yesterday, so he had no way to get to work, and he had to get the tires fixed. I decided we would still get all 3 of the jobs done. We ran out of mulch for one job, the client had bought some bags, so I have to stop and pick up more mulch on Monday, so we can finish it on Tuesday.

A trip to McNabs Island is planned for tomorrow with the travel social group. I have only been there once, about 50 years ago. Other than a couple of friends of another niece took us over in a rowboat one day, I don't remember what we saw.

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