
By Grammy

Sunday Friends and Family Day

I enjoyed breakfast on the front porch; love the cooler temps. We went to 11:00 Mass at the church where we were married almost 25 years ago. We had a tasty lunch after the Knights installation of officers. We remarked at how many Knights friends we have lost since hubby joined in 2005. Parker texted to see if “Granddad” would let him use his saw. Parker and his friend cut down a dead tree branch and wanted to make coasters. They are such adventurers. We were invited to Jamie’s to visit with the great grands. Those kids love the pool. It is nice to sit in the shade and enjoy the family dynamics. Isla is learning to say words, such a sweet age. River has come out of his COVID “shell” and is very sociable. Renee is grilling; another easy day for me. Hope it was the same for you. Stay safe. Thanks for your visit. "Live your life with love as your guiding principle- keep your family and close friends close." - Barbara Bush

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