
By KarenM25

I'm thinking of a song...

And I bet you can guess what it is!! Everytime I end up here I sing it to myself haha! Here's a link to George Michael singing it.....

An overcast start to the day so I headed out for a wander to the Downs - had to take different paths today with my favourite area currently closed off because of sheep grazing... I'm still to spot any of the sheep! Maybe they're invisible ones!

Very quiet on the wildlife front, and only a few other folk about, so it was nice to explore some different areas! did spot lots of bunnies as well so they are always lovely to see! And if you see in the trees at the end of this 'long and winding road' and see white blobs - they're the Egrets bringing up their new broods! I counted 9! And they were being kept very busy flying in and out with food!

Sunshine is back this afternoon. My will to get things done is not back!!

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