
By ayearinthelife

Wounded Knee

My knee was definitely aching after yesterday’s exertions, so I strapped it up as a precautionary measure before today’s PT session. It actually wasn’t too bad - even doing 80kg squats - but better safe than sorry, I suppose.
The original injury was thirty odd years ago, when I was climbing on Dow Crag near Coniston and twisted my knee very badly on one move. I tripped over two weeks later, landing on the same knee, and that must have banged it back into alignment, because the pain went immediately and I could walk normally again.
Unfortunately, taking up running at the age of 60 highlighted that there may have been some lasting damage as the pain can come back if I’m not careful. Exercises to build up the muscles around the joint and wearing a knee support definitely help, but it’s really a case now of slowly building back up to the longer distances I know I’m capable of, rather than going at it full tilt first time out. I’ve tried that latter approach a couple of times now, thinking it would be ok, and it wasn’t!
I feel the trick now is to keep doing the shorter runs until I can be confident my knee can cope. And only then think about going a bit further - I really would like to do another 10K before I get too old and decrepit.

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