
By soozsnapz

Easily the nicest thing I saw today

Spent the morning writing messages, including asking friends and family to sponsor me for a fundraising walk for Alzheimer’s research, which I’m doing later this month. It’s the easiest imaginable walk - just once around the harbourside - which is one of my favourite walks anyway. And I picked up all the windfall apples - will cut out the bad bits, cook and freeze them.
Oxfam in the afternoon. The evening dominated by listening to coverage of the Grenfell enquiry report. A catalogue of terrible things. The 2010 government came in bursting with enthusiasm for getting rid of ‘red tape’ which actually turned out to be getting rid of fire regulations, building regulations, fire inspections, checks on designs and architecture. Then a massive US company Arconic, deliberately concealed the knowledge they had of the combustibility of their material used on Grenfell, in order to make a profit. As the report said, Arconic “was determined to exploit what it saw as weak regulatory regimes in certain countries including the UK” By no means were these the only parties blamed by the report. Grenfell United - survivors and the families of the dead - made it clear that the race, class and poverty of the tenants were also part of why it happened. They were treated as second class citizens by the council and the management of the tower block

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