
By hazelh

Big yellow crane

Some of our neighbours have been complaining about construction noise. This may be the reason. Fortunately we can't hear it from our end of the street.

I slept reasonably well after yesterday afternoon's mega-nap. I have to confess, however, to a first breakfast of toast, jam and and a glass of mile at 5:00am when I woke up very hungry and with backache. I returned to bed for another three hours and enjoyed my second breakfast of porridge and blueberries at about 8:30am. 

Both Mr hazelh and I are feeling a bit below par. He is snuffly and I have swollen glands. Because of this, we have both taken it easy today. We both spent much time writing: I letters plus marketing blurb for one of the pictures that is going to auction; he a play.

Apart from hanging out and bringing in washing, our only excursion today was a quick walk round to LIDL. I blipped the crane on the way home.

Exercise today: none (ill).

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