A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Ready to party!

We left Great Malvern straight after breakfast and arrived in Bath before 11.00 am. There  were dire weather predictions for the SW but all was well. The girls were still in their pjs and were pleased to see us and especially our birthday presents.

I was commissioned earlier in the year to make a Mermacorn for Jude and a Mercat for Eda - see extra collage. My first time following a proper crochet pattern. They went down well but Jude particularly wanted to play with her princesses Playmobile from Alex which of course included a unicorn! Granny had to do the assembly!
We were then treated to the reveal of the cakes, a World cake for Eda, styled by daddy and a castle cake ( with a mermaid of course) for Jude made by Grace and modelled on one I had made for her when she was small. These were for the party at the New Oriel Hall in Larkhall. You can see how pleased the girls were with their cakes in the second extra.

One more thing before we could head down into the village, face painting! I think Grace is really good at cats and Eda is a leopard, she loves animals. Jude started out as a leopard too but changed her mind for a mermaid!

At the hall there was a bouncy castle castle, hence the cake. 
35 children, as it was a joint party, and accompanying adults. Great to see lots of friends. Grace offered more face painting and some of her friends did the same, there were also masks to colour and add jewels to plus disco lights and music and of course bouncing. 
It all went really well with Chris and I spending quite a bit of time in the kitchen providing drinks etc  - less manic in there. Nearly all the cakes were eaten, just a bit of each left to take home.
Neighbours helped with all the clearing up and we returned home just before 5.00 pm as the first spots of rain appeared! Great timing!

The girls are in bed now and I think they’ve had a great time, glad we made the effort to come down and share it with them.

Sorry I lost your comments on yesterday’s blip, I was trying to resize the picture which had gone small and inadvertently deleted it! 

You may be interested to know that over £2,300 was raised by yesterday’s Walk for Manorlands hospice. Brilliant!

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