
Today has been a day for revelations with relations! Firstly, I find out my stepbrother is to become a Dad again at the age of 50!!! I don't envy him.

Secondly, I find out my ex husband has got engaged (after a relatively brief courtship)!!! I don't envy her.

The third (why do things happen in 3's?) happened whilst harvesting my blackcurrants, which incidentally is a bumper crop compared to last year!

Tuesday 17th July 2012

I could hear my neighbour talking to someone about my tree at the front of the house. We've been here before, every so often he has a little moan then forgets for a while. He didn't see me in the bushes (that sounds dodgy I know!!!) so I had a great position for eavesdropping.
Why he's not spoken to me about the tree is a mystery; instead he's involved our local councillor (who just so happens to be a very old & dear friend of mine). My neighbour has been advised to seek guidance from the tree preservation people at the council; this seemingly has deterred him for now as it will require a bit of effort that he can't be bothered with right now. Obviously a pressing issue then?!
I've just remembered a 4th thing! My dad revealed today he has a cancerous (non malignant) lump on his ear which is scheduled to be removed (the lump, not the ear!) but he now signs his texts from 'Vincent' (as in Van Gogh )!!!

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