
By edisteve

An Apple a Day

Well, they do say that don’t they, and I suppose they are right as part of having five a day.

Anyway, I’m blipping this apple tree in a nearby road as it gives me a tenuous link to the Hallmark film Martin and I watched this morning, ‘Autumn at Apple Hill’ . The film was just the usual formulaic mix which we love. Yes, you could call us Hallmark film mega fans.

Newly divorced Elise starts renovating the inn she inherited from her grandparents, catching the eye of Luke, the chief financial officer of a major hotel chain.

After the usual ‘meet cute’, initial fallings out and mis understandings, you know what, it had the usual happy ending.

Yes, it will never win an Oscar, but in these grim days with everything that was happening, that’s what we wanted today … some frivolous fun with a happy ending.

Wherever you are, despite everything, let’s look at the positives and have a happy day. 

It’s the Haunted Wedding next Saturday. 

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