Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Archie collects leaves in his beard

My Bulgarian plasterer arrived at 8.30am, though I told him 9am would be fine. But I was up and organised. He has actually spent many hours here, first gluing so that the plaster would stick, leaving it to dry in between applications. He’s the first builder I’ve known to have black tea with NO sugar!

After her gym sessions, JR rushed off to the Red Box for a breakfast get together with a different group of gym bunnies. Archie and I went round the Links.

The pavements, in places, are knee deep in leaves.  Archie buries his face in them, meaning, usually,  4 or 5 or even 6 leaves hanging off his beard. He positively drags me along, snuffling everywhere, hoping to find a delicious new smell, or better still - a discarded sandwich, a bit of a doughnut, or an apple.  I should add that this part of our walk is past the local high school, where the litter louts students pass several times a day on the way to the shops. I resorted to walking peacefully along the road!

JR has been struggling for a few days to renew our car parking permit online, so today she went in to the office to speak to an actual person, and she eventually got it sorted, though at first she was accused of not having paid it since 2016! As if you could get away that!

This time next week we’ll be able to check in for our flights. When we went to OZ last year we pre-booked our seats, but at £70 per seat,, per flight, that added on an extra £280 for the privilege of sitting down. So this time we’re just winging it!

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