From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Hmmmm....I think I'm getting better...

I was home working today thank goodness and managed to get a whole load of things out of the way including killing three help desk calls off which is always good news. Sometimes those lists get added to every time you blink....

The rest of today was split up by reports, more reports and buying licenses / user group memberships. At least I had a certain sense of satisfaction when I logged off at 3:30 and fled upstairs to get changed really quickly so I could get out the door for a picture. I had a pigeon in reserve along with three blue tits and a robin who all decided to put in an appearance after I'd served up a mealworm lunch earlier.

I headed over the park towards the airport narrowly avoiding the flying golf balls from fathers and kids taking advantage of the fine weather at the start of the school holidays practicing swings! By the time I got to the bit at the back of the airport where the planes come in - I was at the front of the airport on Sunday - my phone rang and I sank gratefully in a heap on the grass to enjoy a lovely conversation sitting in the sunshine with all the other plane spotters.

There were planes coming in every five minutes and my wonderful caller urged me to drop my phone and go for a shot when I announced something was coming or he could hear the engines in the distance. I gave up after a while there were so many! I wanted to concentrate on my chat anyway. All too soon the time flew by, like the planes, and it was time to gather up my stuff and trundle back home.

My lamb chops are still in the fridge. I forgot to take my water bottle with me when I'd run out of the door earlier and after a hot walk home, the last thing I fancied was burning anything so a chippy tea it was, washed down by about a gallon of water!

Track? I'm in the mood for some Stones - Love Is Strong

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