Vintage I-Spy books!
Following the purchase of current I-Spy books yesterday I looked for and found these four from my childhood! One of the main differences is that the modern ones have photos whereas the vintage ones have illustrations and drawings. It was interesting looking through the Wild flowers book( which I did when I was 10) as I had ticked quite a few which I still know to this day. In those days you could send off your book when you had reached 1000 points and you would get a certificate and a badge. But I never did this…my parents didn’t follow up! This system continues today so we shall see if the twins get there.
I went swimming this morning and expected more in the pool..people with New Year resolutions.etc but it was very quiet still and chilly in the changing rooms.
All Christmas cards sorted…list checked as to who we have not heard from etc. and all Christmas decorations are away.
I am continuing with my Life Story as I want to get it finished before Easter and have lots of ‘chapters/pages’ still to do…so maybe a few blips in the next few days.
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