Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2025 Monday — A Walk in the Park

We drove to the veterinarian office this afternoon to purchase a case of special food for Mitzi pup. When we took both pups to see Dr.Byrd last Wednesday for their annual check-up, she recommended putting Mitzi on a special diet for “kidney support” and had us take two cans of the special diet home with us to learn whether Mitzi would eat it or not. Mitzi loves it.

After getting the Mitzi food today, we drove to Tidelands Park so we could all walk a little. Mitzi and Chloe thought that was an excellent idea. So these are just a few photos from our time in the park.

On the way home from there we stopped to get a bit to eat at Mi Casa, a restaurant that has just moved from a location in downtown Morro Bay to the building that used to be LoLo’s restaurant in north Morro Bay. The owners of LoLo’s retired this past summer. They tried to sell their business, but had no takers, so they closed their business. We’re not sure if LoLo’s owned the building, but we think so. We have eaten at both restaurants and always thought LoLo’s served slightly better food, with Mi Casa coming in at a close second to them.

So that was our Monday,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

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