a new year!

By Thesalh70

on we go....to Kimberley Brewery

day in Brum today, so 'luckily' i'd thrown a 4 and the next property i'm to visit is the most local to me of all....Kimberley Brewery!

The brewery was a massive part of the local town, as was the other large employer Wolsey. Many a marriage made in both those factories.

The brewery was also en route to school. We'd walk past this on the way there, and often come back the back way, round Cloverlands on the way home - it was a massive site. Unfortunately no though it's closed and at the centre of wrangling between developers who want to riaze it to the ground and put up more housing, and those who want to see it kept and restored and put to some other use.

here's a little bit about it...
Kimberley Brewery

cloudy start to the day, but very warm and muggy. Off to Brum on the train, and meetings this morning. By lunch the sun had broke through, and it looked very warm outside.

another afternoon meeting, and then wow, melted as i stepped out of Snowhill. Melted even more on the unairconditioned train back to Derby. roof down on the beamer, and its registering 32 on the temp gauge!!

after taking the brewery pic, i'm finally in by 7pm, and then time for tea outside...another lovely summers evening!

rolled a double 4 for tomorrow.....on we go!

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