double 4 and it's roll on Wolly Street...

blimey the heat was on last night. i sat outside til way past eleven, to cool down, and it was lovely.

slept well, and woke to the alarm at 6am, but Friday snoozed it for another 30 mins.

drive into town and stop off at my next stop on the monopoly board, Wollaton Steet..

Wollaton Street is a thoroughfare with some history. It was called Back Lane until 1852 and is a continuation of Parliament Street or Back Side as it was anciently called because it was on the back of the town defences. This route, however, connects up with Coalpit Lane so I think we may assume that Wollaton Street came into general use about the same time that Coalpit Lane was adopted as the main route of traffic by which the coal from Wollaton pits was taken to the town wharfs in the 17th century. The gradient of this route when compared with any other way is distinctly easier and even to-day Wollaton Street is generally chosen in preference to Derby Road for this very purpose. It must have carried a great deal of traffic even before this date for it is a deeply sunken road as is shown by the height of St. Matthew's Vicarage and other houses in its neighbourhood above the road surface and this sinking could only be accounted for by the wear and tear of very ancient traffic. In 1852 it was very much modernised, a great deal of rock was cut away from its northern side and it was re-christened Wollaton Street.

took my photo, and then into work for 9am.

good meetings this morning, followed by lunch with the gang (or rather cocktails) at Browns...Grey Goose Fizz!

back to work and more meetings, a good and enjoyable day overall.

left at 6pm, traffic not too bad. lovely tea outside and then an evening of gardening (my thinking being if i can get it done tonight, i ain't got to do it tomorrow!)

oh god, just rememered....rollin' the dice as we speak...

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