The Bright Side
Bit of a grey day, but at least it wasn't raining - must look on the bright side even if the other side is dull!
I made a start on my next piece of creative writing for the u3a group of that name. As usual we had a number of prompts, but this time I decided to choose my own subject and eventually wrote 1,800 words on the subject of 'The Wonderful People of Nepal'. I'll go back over it sometime to check it, but it brought back so many memories.
After lunch I went out for a brief walk and on the way back walked up to McCaig's Tower. My Blip today show the Northern Lighthouse Board's 'Pole Star' setting off, according to 'Vessel Finder', to Bloody Bay. I'd never heard of this, but apparently it's a bay just north of Tobermory, on the isle of Mull, where a battle was fought around 1480!
I really don't know why I keep going up to the Tower - just for the view, I suppose. Today's extra is taken from the car park - messy bins, chopped trees and shrubs, a complete waste of a superb location for an amazing garden! Look on the bright side? What bright side?
Quote of the Day: 'Part of the happiness of life consists not in fighting battles, but in avoiding them. A masterly retreat is in itself a victory.' - Norman Vincent Peale.
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