D’s right leg was marked by the surgeon this morning- “AH” - her initials - and “THR” - total hip replacement. D added a wee message of his own :-)
We arrived at the hospital as dawn was breaking and I came to visit him as it was getting dark. He was in good spirits, very voluble! His tea arrived - a veggie burger with onions in a bun. We had brought a protein drink and I left him some nuts and oranges.
I haven’t been in the house on my own since I don’t know when - it’s strange. Jess is here, of course. I took the opportunity to do some housework, filled up the woodshed with split logs, went to aqua and had a sauna. All to take my mind off what was happening.
I’m really tired now. I was going to watch a film but I think I shall just go to bed. Apologies for lack of comments - still no internet here unless I am in the garden and it’s too cold to stay out there for long just now! The stars are amazing, though.
Extra of D’s snazzy socks!
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