a touch of Cramond

Busy work day. Still try to get my head round policies, strategies and hierarchies. My head's sore. Thankfully I have a few contacts that I am hoping I can tap !

Great news in the Weegie house. No 1 received her Standard Grade results first thing this morning. Eight Band 1's. She worked hard and it paid off. My lovely nephew got 4 A's and a B for his Highers - must be the Weegie gene pool!

My eldest sister in Canberra has recruited a new blipper for me. Pop by Norzarellie and say 'hi' if you get the chance!

Here's my favourite view of Cramond Island....if you want to see it in the dark - I blipped it here.

Have a great evening - tomorrow is the HUMP of the week (if you strike it lucky.. haha)

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