Vital Signs

After a hot tip from Gillipaw - we decided visit the Kilmartin stones and the Crinan Canal.

The best laid schemes o' mice and men....

There was a bad accident on the road just south of Oban, when we arrived the rescue helicopter had just arrived. The local constabulary pointed us to the 'scenic route' instead. This involved a 50 minute journey along single track roads with vertical incline/declines. This was fun at first. Then we realised that traffic in the opposite direction was being diverted from Lochgilphead too. Grid loch ! (literally).

Just as well I am used to parking in Edinburgh, blind reversing into very narrow spaces is my forte !

Kilmartin was beautiful, so too was the Crinan Canal and Lochgilphead, but by that time we were starving, and only had 2 hours to get back to meet No 1 off her train!

The thought of the breakneck drive again didn't go down well with the little Weegies - so we opted for the longer Inveraray route.

Stunning views from Inveraray, and an EXCELLENT tea at the Burgh Cafe.

Spotted a familar little boat in the harbour. If you need reminding - the link is here

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