Postlady (with a pram)

Haven't done any of my monster pram walks lately and was feeling a bit lardy today, so decided to do one. It's weird but I can't just set off somewhere without a mission, however tenuous. I need a reason to walk somewhere even if it is just to check out a house that's for sale on Rightmove or to visit a new coffee shop.

Today's mission was to save some postage charges on an eBay parcel (see I told you they were lame!) by delivering it myself. I'd sold something to a lady in Sale and according to my iPhone maps, it was a 8 mile walk there and back.

So I packed up Audrey's lunch and set off. It wasn't the most salubrious of walks to begin with, past a motorway junction and down a busy main road but I took the Bridgewater Canal route back. Audrey loved the ducks (no surprise) and canal boats. Took this picture under the motorway bridge in Sale. It both grim and beautiful at the same time.

Home in time for Audrey's nap. I have a new (demanding) PR client so am having to work most days when Audrey sleeps now. It is tough as I used to use this time for lunch or to put my feet up. Oh well, you can't have it both ways I guess. Work is work so shouldn't complain...

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