
By Munroist4113


Luke’s dad died yesterday. Although they only see him once, sometimes twice a year, Ella and Nathaniel were very upset. This manifested itself in different ways. Ella cried and wanted to talk so they took her for a walk. Nathaniel didn’t cry and didn’t want to go for a walk. He wanted to be by himself and then played Fortnight with James as a distraction. It’s their first time to be affected by death. Luke had to sleep as he’d been working 3am-3pm but drove to Hull today to be with his sisters and half sister. It’s so tragic as his dad’s wife is in a sterile unit in hospital for 2 more weeks as she’s had a stem cell transplant for bone cancer.

We hung about waiting for the electrician to come to connect our lighting back up. The light is too high “because that’s the only length cable he uses”. Another item for the snagging list which grows longer.

After he’d gone we had to go to Newcastle to try to make a decision on floor tiles as Chris is coming to do the bathroom next week. We decided on a blueish grey. There isn’t a lot of choice - most places have the same. For the last 10 years it’s been all grey and black. Because we got both wall and floor tiles we got 10% off. We took in the top of the cistern there to check the colours. Here you have it. I’ll worry about paint colour later!

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