Theatre Royal - £350

The original monopoly equivalent is Park Lane...the second most expensive property on the board. Again, i know i've lived in Notts all my life, but didn't realise the age of this local landmark....

The Theatre Royal was completed in 1865, after six months of work and costing the clients, lace manufacturers John and William Lambert £15,000.[3] The Classic façade and Corinthian columns designed by Charles J. Phipps are still a major Nottingham landmark.

The Theatre Royal opened on Monday, 25 September 1865 with Sheridan's The School for Scandal.

Baroness Orczy's The Scarlet Pimpernel (1903) was first produced at the Theatre Royal by Fred Terry and Julia Neilson before being published as a novel. Although initially the play was met with little success, the novel is credited with influencing the mystery genre and arguably creating the "masked hero" genre.

On October 6, 1952, the theatre made history with the world premiere of The Mousetrap (as part of a pre-West End tour). The play has gone on to be the longest-running theatrical production in the world.

In 1969 the city council bought the theatre and began restoring it at a cost of £4 million in the day, re-opening it in 1978. It was in need of restoration and had earned a reputation as one of the worst theatres for backstage conditions in the country.[4]

It was officially reopened 6 June 1978 by Princess Anne who was "impressed and delighted" and said "...what an improvement on the old place. All you had there was the smell of gas." Inside she met with "...City Council leader Coun. Jack Green..." and unveiled a plaque in the foyer

It's still a special place to watch a show. very small and intimate. I saw my first opera there a couple of years ago, and also lots of plays, and musicals, the most recent being 9-5, which was fab!

a good day at work, meetings, and another lovely lunch (this time out at Fat Cat).
meetings in the afternoon, and then left at 5pm to wander across Parliament Street to take this pic. Trying to capture it without people walking in front was a bit of a waiting game!

home, tea, and off out for a lovely walk, our second today. temperature just right, and back well before the sun started to set - lovely.

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