Income Tax - Pay £200!

if only it was just £200, and a one-off payment!

never wandered down the HMRC until today, and didn't realise how huge the site is in Nottingham! And also an impressive tent like structure which houses restaurant, and public area. Quite interesting to read about the 'pots' on top of each tower - see this link!

Inland Revenue Building - Nottingham

My Saturday trip to HMRC worked well with dropping Peter and his mates off in town to watch Tom Wardle Tom Wardle, local singer, with a fabulous voice! He was performing in the Old Market Square.

The day had started with a fab walk to the wood with Pete. Discovered a hidden seat with a fantastic view! out for about 2 hours, what a fab start to the weekend.

After trip into town, home to start cooking my dad inspired curry! British Beef Raj Curry, Rick Stein receipe! it was delish!

lazy evening then with Pete...

tomorrow morning we are going to try a car trip out, and hope he's not sick!

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