Beach walk

There's not much to report today - we've been to the supermarket and then to the DIY store as we wanted some paint and a few other bits and bobs. We got the paint but also came home with a Chimenea for in the garden which was in the sale.

After lunch Alan read the instructions and it said that you have to fill the bottom of it with about 2 inches of sand. He commented that we don't have any and could have bought some if we'd have known - so I said jokingly that there's plenty at the beach. Good Idea! So off we went with a plastic container and a trowel.

Louis was excited to be going to the beach although he wouldn't go in the sea as it was a bit rough. It made a great blip opportunity though, and we got our sand. Alan's now trying to light the fire, although it's producing more smoke than anything at the moment - I think the sand needs to dry out a bit, but it'll be great later when the sun goes down and we can keep warm around it :-)

Right - I've got a few more boxes to sort through, bye for now!

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