Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

To have been loved

To have been loved
so deeply, even
though the person
who loved us is
gone, will give us
some protection forever.

J.K Rowling

And even though this day has been shrouded in sadness, I've been laughing more then I thought. First at work and then at an AW with my photo friends.
When I came home this evening I noticed that the sky was lovely and the sun was veiled in clouds so I changed my lens and took a walk. A lovely moment, just standing there watching clouds shifting and changing around the sun, taking shot after shot after shot. Then this heart appeared - you see it, right? And it stayed there for a long while. And somewhere in my heart I knew that my dad was watching and that he was happy I've had a good day.
I just love this quote, it's says everything I think.

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