From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Time for a drink?

Good grief! Here's me stood outside the bathroom all day and SHE goes off to the pub for Abbot Ale! At least she didn't leave the landing light on this time. I nearly had an aeroplane come through the window at me a few weeks ago. You have to be a bit careful when you live close to the airport. I could see the whites of the pilot's eyes but in all honesty he looked more scared than me when he saw me grinning at him! No idea why I have that effect on visitors. Still, I suppose scaring the sh*t out of someone when the bathroom is only next door is quite handy. I am a real alternative to a laxative!

Enough of this toilet humour!

Today's picture? Hmmmmm. The last time I went in a drinking establishment like that, I had to leave my horse tied up round the back, you were served your beer in a big jug by a beer wench with even bigger jugs popping out over the top of a grubby frock and she had black teeth! Those were the days! Many's the time I got my fingers tied up in the laces of a corset.. It's all jeans and t-shirts these days. That chap in the picture looks like he's been around the back of a few pubs in his time and as for that nosey so and so looking on, I have no idea what she's after! She probably wishes she'd gone to the pub instead of the sandwich shop.

Best viewed large!

Today's alternative picture which I prefer is of Roz's Tits!

Now, you won't often see them out! Oh I'm getting the evil eye here. I'd better stop for now.

Track? What finer classic drinking song is there than this? - Whiskey in the Jar

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