Big un

Went and spent an hour at Orihuela Town Hall this morning, waiting to be seebn for a two minute paperwork drop-off for my Spanish NIE number.

afterwards, we went to the golf course, armed with clubs and a bag of bread. The bread was clearly for the ducks.

After discovering that I CAN hit a golf ball in a straight line, fairly naturally it would seem, I spent a couple of Euros on two buckets of balls (100 in all) and James had some, but I had more.

Then whilst Corin and Roy spent half an hour practising chipping the ball over bunkers, James, mum and I wandered down to the lake to feed the ducks.

The ducks are so well conditioned, that when they hear someone coming, they all get out of the water and walk over in a fairly orderly line, making a lot of noise.

The one in the image, we nicknamed "Big 'un"...clearly named for obvious reasons - next to the ducklings in the linked picture he looks huge, but in real life, he was bigger - he looked like he was at least twice as tall as the other full grown ducks, and he was so solidly built. Dead friendly though.

The other 6 best images - ducklings and gnashers are here.

Am struggling a bit now though as we were out on the golf course for a couple of hours and I didn't take a hat - so although I haven't burned because I do have a decent tan now, I have had too much sun on my head, so I am feeling quite woozy.

More water for me now.

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