From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

I'm thoroughly ashamed of myself!

Oh I am a dreadful person! I had today off as time in lieu as the policy is to get hours down to under 20 before the end of September. As I'm away for the last two weeks, I thought I'd have today and next Friday as extra days off.

I was up early enough but as the rain was falling in buckets for most of the day, I thought I'd be really disciplined and have a good clear out. I'm ashamed to say I sat on my arse watching rubbish on the telly until nearly 3pm before I launched myself upstairs armed with a couple of bin bags.

I opened the gates of hell - my wardrobe - and got down on my hands and knees to pull out all the rubbish I'd squashed in there on the floor over the years. It was a true nightmare! Shoes, trainers, boots and bags from the days when dinosaurs walked the earth. I'm exaggerating slightly, but there were even a pair of shoes from school!

I did solve one of the great mysteries of life that everyone in the world wonders from time to time - where have all the pens gone? Well, they were all in my wardrobe! 47 of them anyway! Most of us spend half our lives looking for a pen and always have to ask the poor sod on the other end of the phone line 'Can you please hold on while I find a pen?' to then spend ten minutes pulling out drawers looking for that elusive item instead finding a blunt pencil and an old till receipt.

I found loads of hats for Bony, three wigs and a beard which I put in a bag and stowed back in the bottom of the wardrobe and then went down the stairs with two heavy bin bags stuffed with junk. Typical! One bag split and the contents ended up spewed all over the stairs and the hall downstairs. I sighed and exclaimed 'Oh dearie me! How dreadfully clumsy of me!' or something vaguely similar. Half an hour later, I had everything double bagged and stuck them out in the back.

Bony agreed to model my latest boots for today's blip all the time telling me what a disgrace I was for hoarding so much rubbish. I told him that those bags of 'rubbish' represented my life. He then had the cheek to tell me I must be 200 to have as much junk as that. Hmmmmm.

I still can't wear my walking boots by the way. My tendons are still a bit sore. These higher leg boots go great with a long skirt but are narrow enough to go under jeans so are ideal for everything when I'm on holiday.

Sigh! Track? After all my bits and pieces, let's have some from The Dave Clark Five - Bits and Pieces

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