From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

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Well I thought I was going to sleep like a log last night, or a rock as they do in America. Regardless, I slept like me and woke with a jolt thinking it was much later and I'd forgotten to set my alarm for work and get this! I got up, stumbled into the bathroom and was putting conditioner through my hair under the hot shower with eyes half shuttered when I suddenly thought 'What the hell are you doing? You are still on holiday, aren't you?!!'

The realisation dawned that I was up for work 12 days too early! I finished off my shower, dried off, put my pyjamas back on and went back to my bedroom. I was going to get my hairdryer out and thought I'd better check the time. HORRORS!! It was 3:10am! I checked my phone, watch and bedside clock before I believed what the time was and then got back into bed with wet hair and had a fitful doze troubled with weird demons and two-headed monsters before mom brought me a cuppa at 7am complaining that something had woken her around three and she had no idea what it was. Hmmmmmm. I had an idea but said nothing.... Seriously, am I bonkers or has my head moved to a different time zone?

I went up the road with mom later who decided to go out today between the showers. Here I must confess I was only just out of Savoy Park and I knew something didn't feel quite right and I was having to fiddle with my jeans to walk comfortably! I am very sorry to tell you such a dreadful thing you don't need to know but I'd clearly put my knickers on the wrong way round! I dread to think what anyone walking behind me thought of the mad bint with the weird wiggle... I was so uncomfortable! As soon as I was in TK Maxx, I rushed to the ladies' loo and rearranged everything. That was better! Dearie me.

We had a pleasant wander after that and I took a few pictures around the town deciding on this one I took on the way home.

Track? Well after my daft walk up the road, let's have a bit of David Bowie and Mick Jagger - Dancing In The Street

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