My Sunshine at Sunset

We were in the big city (Flint) at an eye doctors appt. for Lisa. The big news there was that I stayed in the car while she was being doctored. And...and...I actually downloaded a book into my smart phone. WOO-HOO! I know it's not much for some people, but for me it was a HUGE step. I am now reading White Fang by Jack London.

We left, and had supper with my daughter Julie, and our SIL to-be Benton. After eating (and knowing I didn't have a picture), Lisa said..."You better watch that sun...I think it's going to be a good sunset."

We stayed on the back roads, with me taking pictures of cornfields and water sprinklers. (I know...pretty sad.)

I hurried to a local lake, hoping to watch the sun disappear for the night. Got there just in time. I took quite a few pictures, then got into the van to go home.

"I think you better wait around Bud...I think it's going to light up the sky." She knows I don't like it when she calls me "Bud", but stay I did.

Again...she was right. Colors galore. Best I've seen in a while. Sunshine makes the Blip. I think it is her that lights up the sky.

Off tomorrow with Shelley to meet up with Sefferdog, and his wife. I'm not sure it will work...but we're trying to get a little culture at the Toledo Museum of Art.

5 more shots on my FLICKR PAGE. More sunsets, and the corn.

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