Sunny Morning in Cornwall Park and One Tree Hill

My last day in Auckland, and it's been another good one. More catching up with friends, plus a bit of shopping, and all before jumping on the plane South around mid-afternoon.

I'm back home now, but pretty tired after my exertions, so I'll keep this brief.

Today's shot features the very attractive Cornwall Park and it's main drawcard, One Tree Hill. Sadly, the lone tree is no longer there (maori activists put paid to that some years ago) but the obelisk memorial with it's impressive maori statues remains. The view from the top is fantastic; it's a shame I'm still not up to going up there again thanks to the crutches (I last walked to the top in 2010), but hopefully next time round I'll get some more pics from the summit.

Right, time for bed. Here's to a productive weekend! [hopefully]

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