Our Journey is a process

By journeysprocess

Crystal Peak Park

After a very hectic morning and early afternoon, I took a couple of hours off today to take a walk along the Truckee River from Crystal Peak Park in Verdi (pronounced vur-di, not like the composer. Although it was pretty cool and the wind was up, it was a beautiful walk.

I lived in Verdi for many years, and always enjoyed the river. Along side the river was a swampy area that bred tons of mosquitoes. It was always an eyesore. The owner of the land donated it to the town. In 2011, the town voted to make the area into two large ponds and stock them with trout - rainbow and brown. Today as I walked by, I struck up a conversation with one of the fishermen, Hugh. Everytime he cast his line, a fish would bite. He would reel it in, then very gently let the fish off (he used a barbless hook). I took several very nice photos of him and the fish. One photo in particular was unusual. I seriously thought about using this one for my blip.

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